So you’re a late diagnosed (or self realized) Autistic…
Now what?
That’s where coaching can help
Learn the coping and self regulation skills that will help you thrive as a late diagnosed Autistic trying to survive late stage capitalism
Go from stressed out, burned out, overwhelmed, and melting down … to relaxed, resourced, regulated, and ready to advocate for yourself and your needs
Hi, I’m Josselyn
I’m a coach for late diagnosed autistics, and I self diagnosed as autistic at 39. Saying my Autism journey was a roller coaster would be an understatement. I felt joy, grief, anger, empowerment, and more, and through it all I have been on a quest to find as many tools for grounding, self regulation, and coping as I could. If you identify with those feelings, and want to experience less anxiety and chaos, and more ease and confidence, it would be my joy to work with you.